Policies Rules and Regulations

  • Check-In time is 3.00 pm and Check-Out time is 7.00 pm to 12.00 pm.
  • Check-Out later than the stipulated time will be charged RM30/hour. If Check-Out late after 5.00 pm, FULL PAYMENT per night will be charged. If there is a booking from another customer on the day you are checking out, kindly vacate the house by 12.00 pm.
  • PLEASE MAKE SURE all doors and windows are locked / closed while you sleep or go out. If there is any damage (equipment / home appliances) occurs or missing equipment we reserve the right to claim compensation or damages or lost.
  • LOST homestay key will be charged RM 20.00, LOST lift card will be charged RM30.00 and LOST parking card will be charged RM50.00. Making duplicate keys without our knowledge / permission is strictly PROHIBITED.
  • It is NOT ALLOWED to take out all the equipment / equipment available in the homestay without our permission.
  • PLEASE REMOVE ALL unused food packages into the bins provided.
  • FOR SAFETY PURPOSES, smoking is prohibited while you are in this homestay. If there is any cigarettes or smell, we reserve the right to claim compensation.
  • Bringing in pets is strictly PROHIBITED.
  • It is NOT ALLOWED to make noise so as to disturb the peace of nearby neighbours.
  • It is NOT ALLOWED to bring non-halal food and beverages into the homestay.
  • It is NOT ALLOWED to bring durian or any smelly food into the homestay.
  • DO NOT USE this homestay for illegal and immoral activities.
  • DO NOT nail or scratch or left any stain on the wall inside or outside this homestay.
  • PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL items and equipment are placed in the original place before you check out. Unplug refrigerator and water heater before check-out.
  • PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL switches including the fan, lamps, air-conditioners, television every time when leaving the homestay to prevent unwanted things from happening.
  • ALL LOSSES of personal belongings, accidents and safety of guests are under the supervision and responsibility of the guests themselves.
  • Homestay owners will not be responsible for any negligence on the part of guests.
  • Deposit RM100 will be charged once check-in and if there is no damage, we will refund back the deposit through transfer online or cash.